
Forthcoming Entertainment/Speakers at Senior Blades lunches


We hope all members who have purchased tickets for our Christmas lunch are looking forward to a good afternoon and being entertained by Jon Alex, a vocal instrumentalist who we all enjoyed in 2018 and was requested for the next Christmas party.


This month we welcome Sheffield born Andy Pack, he taught PE in the city’s secondary school system for over twenty years, alongside playing several sports at amateur level.  He switched careers and became his boyhood team, Sheffield United’s Media Manager for almost two decades.  He wrote former Blades striker Keith Edwards autobiography, ‘Edwards One Nil’, which was published in 2014, and recently completed working with Tony Currie on the United legend’s life story, ‘Imperfect 10’


Danielle Grace Williams is a professional singer who has worked throughout the UK and Europe, apart from being an award winning singer, Danielle is also an instrumentalist and plays the saxophone.


At our March lunch we look forward to hearing about the Life and Times of Richard Caborn, the Sheffield born Blade and former Minster for Sport and Civil Society of the UK.  Richard is now the Sheffield Business Industry Ambassador, whose rule includes overseeing the completion of the Sheffield Olympic Legacy Park.  This promises to be a very entertaining afternoon.