The Chairman and Committee of Sheffield United Senior Blades wish our members and all supporters a very Happy Christmas and a happy and healthy 2022.
Due to increased costs, Compass have informed us that the cost of lunches at our monthly meetings in the Platinum Suite, will rise from £16.50 to £17.00 from January 2022.
Also from January 2022 the Committee have decided to introduce a £10.00 charge for anyone who has booked a lunch and subsequently does not attend. Since August 2021 the Committee has been able to absorb these costs but to continue to hold lunches and provide entertainment, the introduction of this charge is necessary.
A reminder that a lunch booking has to be made seven days prior to the lunch either by email ( or phone (01335 664560). If you make a booking and subsequently have to cancel before the seven day booking deadline, then you will not be required to pay this £10.00 cancellation charge.