
November Newsletter



November 2023     Newsletter 


Hello All 

November Lunch 

Our next lunch will be held on the 14th of November, when our guest speaker will be Brian Deane, who, many of our members will have lots of happy memories of his goal scoring exploits. The cost of this lunch is £20 for members and the deadline to make a booking is 8pm Tuesday 7th of November  


Christmas Lunch 

This year’s Christmas lunch will be held on Wednesday 13th of December when the entertainment will be provided by Jo Alex and Chris Firminger.   The cost to members is £23 and non-members £28.  Bookings can be made at our lunch on the 14th of November or by contacting Stephen Gibbons via email or phone    

Email  info@seniorblades.com 

Phone 01538 424190 or 07505 559678    

Please also note that all bookings and payments must be completed by the 30th of November. 



Membership Renewals 

Membership renewals are now taking place and the deadline for payment will be the 1st of January 2024.  The cost of renewing your membership is £8. 













Christmas Lunch 

This year’s Christmas lunch will be held on Wednesday 13th of December when the entertainment will be provided by Jo Alex and Chris Firminger.   The cost to members is £23 and non-members £28.  Bookings can be made at our lunch on the 14th of November or by contacting Stephen Gibbons via email or phone    

Email  info@seniorblades.com


















November 2023     Newsletter 


Hello All 

November Lunch 

Our next lunch will be held on the 14th of November, when our guest speaker will be Brian Deane, who, many of our members will have lots of happy memories of his goal scoring exploits. The cost of this lunch is £20 for members and the deadline to make a booking is 8pm Tuesday 7th of November  


Christmas Lunch 

This year’s Christmas lunch will be held on Wednesday 13th of December when the entertainment will be provided by Jo Alex and Chris Firminger.   The cost to members is £23 and non-members £28.  Bookings can be made at our lunch on the 14th of November or by contacting Stephen Gibbons via email or phone    

Email  info@seniorblades.com 

Phone 01538 424190 or 07505 559678    

Please also note that all bookings and payments must be completed by the 30th of November. 



Membership Renewals 

Membership renewals are now taking place and the deadline for payment will be the 1st of January 2024.  The cost of renewing your membership is £8.