
Senior Blades Membership Renewal Information

Our Secretary, Sheila Herring, has been receiving telephone queries and also postal applications for the renewal of membership for Senior Blades.  We have usually renewed this in January through to March each year but as we all are aware, this last year has been very different.  Last November, the Committee made a decision NOT to renew memberships in January and it was decided that this would be left until we are able to meet once more for the monthly lunches and normal service can be resumed.

This was mentioned briefly in a November programme and also on our website, but in view of the fact that we have had several enquiries we felt we should publish this again so that our members can be reminded.

Now that the vaccination programme is well under way, we are hoping that we may soon be in a position to look at having our lunches once again.  As always, we will do our very best to keep everyone fully informed and with plenty of notice when this is likely to happen


Stay safe and keep well.