
Senior Blades Spring Trip

Hello to all Senior Blades and we hope by now the majority of you will have received your first vaccination, which is a bonus for us ‘oldies’.

Members may recall that last year due to the pandemic, we had to cancel our Spring trip to Skegness. We then transferred it to September, not imagining the pandemic would still be fully with us. As we are all aware, we are still in the throes of Covid and hopefully will be slowly coming out of it and hoping some semblance of normality will be returning soon.

Taking into account all of the above, the Senior Blades Committee have made a decision to again cancel the Spring outing to Skegness, which had been booked for 20th May this year. Sue Foster, our Excursions Officer, has now rebooked this for Thursday 16th September 2021.

We will, of course, have a close eye on the situation and will keep everyone informed as we get nearer to the proposed date.