
About Us



The seeds for Sheffield United Senior Blades Club for people of 60 plus, were sown in 1981. Since then it has progressed considerably with a membership consistently over 300.  You can now join at age 55+.

Playing a major role in establishing Senior Blades, under the Blades 1981 initiative, were then chairman Reg Brealey and club secretary Dick Chester, supported by Derek Dooley and George McCabe.

The schedule of events for the club is as follows:

  • On the second Tuesday each month, members meet in the Pavilion Suite(formerly the Platinum Suite) at 12.30pm where they can enjoy a two course lunch. A speaker or entertainment is arranged for approximately 2.00pm and members can attend for this part of the afternoon only, if they wish. The meeting usually closes between 3.30pm-4.00pm.
  • There are two day trips organised during the summer months, details of which are publicised in the monthly newsletter and matchday programme.
  • In December, the Christmas dinner with entertainment is held in the Platinum Suite for members and guests. This is a very popular and enjoyable event.

The Sheffield United Senior Blades are given the full support of the Chairman and Board of directors of SUFC and for this we are very appreciative.

For more information on membership of the Senior Blades, please contact info@seniorblades.com

Chairman:  Kathryn Woodward

Treasurer:  Martin Robson

Deputy Chair/Lunch Organiser:  Stephen Gibbons

Entertainments Organiser:  Chris Jones

Membership Officer /Excursions Organiser:  Sue Foster

Media Team: Arthur Mason; Stephen Gibbons; Kathryn Woodward

Jayne Bower

Janet Crowther

Bill Geddes